The BD LSR II is a 12-color, 4-laser analytical cytometer suitable for all but the more demanding high-parameter flow cytometry experiments run on the Cytek Northern Lights. The yellow-green laser also supports popular fluorescent protein gene reporters such as mCherry.

The standard optical configuration for the LSR II (with example fluorochromes):

  • Violet (406 nm): V450 (BV421), V525 (BV510*), V590 (BV605), V710 (BV711*)
  • Blue (488 nm): B530 (FITC), B670 (PerCP)
  • Yellow-green (561 nm): Y586 (PE), Y625 (PE-CF594), Y780 (PE-Cy7)
  • Red (640 nm): R670 (APC), R730 (AF700), R780 (APC-Cy7)

*Full 12-color panels designed for the LSR II using LIVE/DEAD Aqua (V525) and BV785 (V780 replacement for V710) can be sorted on the SY3200 cell sorter without modification.